[Clark, March 1, 1805]
March 1st Friday 1805
a fine Day I am ingaged in Copying a map, men building perogus, makeing
Ropes, Burning Coal, Hanging up meat & makeing battle axes for Corn
[Clark, March 2, 1805]
2nd of March 1805 Satturday
a fine Day the river brake up in places all engaged about Something Mr.
La Rocque a Clerk of the N W Company visit us, he has latterly returned
from the Establishments on the Assinniboin River with Merchindize to
tarade with Indians--Mr. L informs us the N, W. & X Y Companies have
joined, & the head of the N W. Co. is Dead Mr. McTavish of Monteral,-
visted by the Coal & Several Indians
[Clark, March 3, 1805]
3rd of March Sunday 1805
a fine Day wind from the W, a large flock of Ducks pass up the
Rivervisited by the black Cat, Chief of the Mandans 2d Cheif and a Big
Belley, they Stayed but a Short time we informed those Chiefs of the
news recved from the Ricaras, all hands employd
[Clark, March 4, 1805]
Fort Mandan
4th March Monday 1805
a Cloudy morning wind from the N W the after part of the day Clear,
visited by the Black Cat & Big White, who brought a Small present of
meat, an Engage of the N W Co. Came for a horse, and requested in the
name of the woman of the princapal of his Department Some Silk of three
Colours, which we furnished-. The Assinniboins who visited the Mandans
a fiew Days ago returned and attempted to take horses of the Minetarres
& were fired on by them
[Clark, March 5, 1805]
5th March Tuesday 1805
A fine Day Themometer at 40° abo 0. Several Indians visit us to day one
frenchman cross to join a Indian the two pass through by Land to the
Ricaras with a Letter to Mr. Tabbow
[Clark, March 6, 1805]
6th of March Wednesday 1805
a Cloudy morning & Smokey all Day from the burning of the plains, which
was Set on fire by the Minetarries for an early crop of Grass as an
endusement for the Buffalow to feed on--the horses which was Stolen
Some time ago by the Assinniboins from the minetarries were returned
yesterday--visited by Oh-harh or the Little fox 2d Chief of the lower
Village of the Me ne tar ries--one man Shannon Cut his foot with the
ads in working at a perogue, George & Graviline go to the Village, the
river rise a little to day-
[Clark, March 7, 1805]
7th of March Thursday 1805
a little Cloudy and windey N E. the Coal visited us with a Sick child,
to whome I gave Some of rushes Pills--Shabounar returned this evening
from the Gross Vintres & informed that all the nation had returned from
the hunting--he our menetarre interpeter had received a present from
Mr. Chaboilleiz of the N. W. Company of the following articles 3 Brace
of Cloath 1 Brace of Scarlet a par Corduroy Overalls 1 Vests 1 Brace
Blu Cloth 1 Brace red or Scarlet with 3 bars, 200 balls & Powder, 2
bracs Tobacco, 3 Knives.
[Clark, March 8, 1805]
8th of March Friday 1805
a fair morning Cold and windey, wind from the East, visited by the
Greesey head & a Riarca to day, those men gave Some account of the
Indians near the rockey mountains
a young Indian same nation & Differnt Village Stole the Doughter of the
Black man, he went to his Village took his horse & returned & took away
his doughter
[Clark, March 9, 1805]
on the 9th of March we were Visited by the Grand Chief of the
Minetarres, to whome we gave a medal & Some Cloths & a flag. Sent a
French Man & a Indian with a letter to Mr. Tabboe informing them the
Ricarras of the desire the Mandans had to See them &. &.
[Clark, March 9, 1805]
9th of March Satturday 1805
a Cloudy Cold and windey morning wind from the North--walked up to See
the Party that is makeing Perogues, about 5 miles above this, the wind
hard and Cold on my way up I met The Main Chief of the Manitarres with
four Indians on Thier way to See us, I requested him to proceed on to
the fort where he would find Capt. Lewis I should be there my Self in
corse of a fiew hours, Sent the interpeter back with him and proceeded
on my Self to the Canoes found them nearly finished, the timber verry
bad, after visiting all the perogues where I found a number of Indans I
wind to the upper mandan Village & Smoked a pipe the greatest mark of
friendship and attention with the Chief and returned on my return found
the Manitarree Chief about Setting out on his return to his village,
having recieved of Captain M. Lewis a medel Gorget armbans, a Flag
Shirt, Scarlet &c. &c. &c. for which he was much pleased Those Things
were given in place of Sundery articles Sent to him which he Sais he
did not receive 2 guns were fired for this Great man
[Clark, March 10, 1805]
10th of March Sunday 1805.
a Cold winday Day. we are visited by the Black mockersons, Chief of the
2d Manetarre Village and the Chief of the Shoeman Village or Mah ha ha
V. those Chiefs Stayed all day and the latter all night and gave us
many Strang accounts of his nation &c this Little tribe or band of
Menitaraies Call themselves Ah-nah-haway or people whose village is on
the hill. nation formerleyed lived about 30 miles below this but beeing
oppressed by the Asinniboins & Sous were Compelled to move 5 miles the
Minitaries, where, the Assinniboins Killed the most of. them those
remaining built a village verry near to the Minitarries at the mouth of
Knife R where they now live and Can raise about 50 men, they are
intermixed with the Mandans & Minatariers--the Manclans formerly lived
in 6 large villages at and above the mouth of Chischeter or Heart River
five Villages on the West Side & two on the East one of those Villages
on the East Side of the Missouri & the larges was intirely Cut off by
the Sioux & the greater part of the others and the Small Pox reduced
the others.
[Clark, March 11, 1805]
Fort Mandan
11th of March Monday 1805
A Cloudy Cold windey day, Some Snow in the latter part of the day, we
deturmin to have two other Perogues made for us to transport our
Provisions &c.
We have every reason to believe that our Menetarre interpeter, (whome
we intended to take with his wife, as an interpeter through his wife to
the Snake Indians of which nation She is) has been Corupted by the ____
Companeys &c. Some explenation has taken place which Clearly proves to
us the fact, we give him to night to reflect and deturmin whether or
not he intends to go with us under the regulations Stated.
[Clark, March 12, 1805]
12th a fine day Some Snow last night our Interpeter Shabonah, detumins
on not proceeding with us as an interpeter under the terms mentioned
yesterday he will not agree to work let our Situation be what it may
not Stand a guard, and if miffed with any man he wishes to return when
he pleases, also have the disposial of as much provisions as he Chuses
to Carrye.
in admissable and we Suffer him to be off the engagement which was only
virbal wind N W
[Clark, March 13, 1805]
13th of March Wednesday 1805
a fine day visited by Mr. Mckinsey one of the Clerks of the N W
Companey, the river riseing a little--maney Inds. here to day all
anxiety for war axes the Smiths have not an hour of Idle time to Spear
wind S W
[Clark, March 14, 1805]
14th March Thursday 1805. a fine day Set all hands to Shelling Corn &c.
Mr. McKinsey leave us to day maney Indians as usial. wind west river
Still riseing
[Clark, March 15, 1805]
15th of March Friday 1805
a fine day I put out all the goods & Parch meal Clothing &c to Sun, a
number of Indians here to day They make maney remarks respecting our
goods &c. Set Some men about Hulling Corn &c.
[Lewis, March 16, 1805]
March 16th, 1804.
Mr. Gurrow a Frenchman who has lived many years with the Ricares &
Mandans shewed us the process used by those Indians to make beads. the
discovery of this art these nations are said to have derived from the
Indians who have been taken prisoners by the Ricaras. the art is kept a
secret by the Indians among themselves and is yet known to but few of
the Prosess is as follows,--Take glass of as many different colours as
you think proper, then pound it as fine as possible puting each colour
in a seperate vessel. wash the pounded glass in several waters throwing
off the water at each washing. continue this opperation as long as the
pounded glass stains or colours the water which is poured off and the
residium is then prepared for uce. You then provide an earthen pot of
convenient size say of three gallons which will stand the fire; a
platter also of the same materials sufficiently small to be admitted in
the mouth of the pot or jar. the pot has a nitch in it's edge through
which to watch the beads when in blast. You then provide some well
seasoned clay with a propertion of sand sufficient to prevent it's
becoming very hard when exposed to the heat. this clay must be tempered
with water untill it is about the consistency of common doe. of this
clay you then prepare, a sufficient number of little sticks of the size
you wish the hole through the bead, which you do by roling the clay on
the palm of the hand with your finger. this done put those sticks of
clay on the platter and espose them to a red heat for a few minutes
when you take them off and suffer them to cool. the pot is also heated
to cles it perfectly of any filth it may contain. small balls of clay
are also mad of about an ounce weight which serve each as a pedestal
for a bead. these while soft ar distributed over the face of the
platter at such distance from each other as to prevent the beads from
touching. some little wooden paddles are now provided from three to
four inches in length sharpened or brought to a point at the extremity
of the handle. with this paddle you place in the palm of the hand as
much of the wet pounded glass as is necessary to make the bead of the
size you wish it. it is then arranged with the paddle in an oblong
form, laying one of those little stick of clay crosswise over it; the
pounded glass by means of the paddle is then roped in cilindrical form
arround the stick of clay and gently roled by motion of the hand
backwards an forwards until you get it as regular and smooth as you
conveniently can. if you wish to introduce any other colour you now
purforate the surface of the bead with the pointed end of your little
paddle and fill up the cavity with other pounded glass of the colour
you wish forming the whole as regular as you can. a hole is now made in
the center of the little pedestals of clay with the handle of your
shovel sufficiently large to admit the end of the stick of clay arround
which the bead is formed. the beads are then arranged perpindicularly
on their pedestals and little distance above them supported by the
little sticks of clay to which they are attatched in the manner before
mentioned. Thus arranged the platter is deposited on burning coals or
hot embers and the pot reversed with the apparture in it's edge turned
towards coverd the whole. dry wood pretty much doated _; is then plased
arron the pot in sush manner as compleatly to cover it is then set on
fire and the opperator must shortly after begin to watch his beads
through the apparture of the pot lest they should be distroyed by being
over heated. he suffers the beads to acquire a deep red heat from which
when it passes in a small degree to a pailer or whitish red, or he
discovers that the beads begin to become pointed at their upper
extremities he removes the fire from about the pot and suffers the
whole to cool gradually. the pot is then removed and the beads taken
out. the clay which fills the hollow of the beads is picked out with an
awl or nedle, the bead is then fit for uce. The Indians are extreemly
fond of the large beads formed by this process. they use them as
pendants to their years, or hair and sometimes wear them about their
[Clark, March 16, 1805]
16th of March Satturday 1805
a Cloudy day wind from the S. E one Indian much displeased with
whitehouse for Strikeing his hand when eating with a Spoon for
behaveing badly. Mr. Garrow Shew'd us the way the ricaras made their
large Beeds
[Clark, March 17, 1805]
17th of March Sunday a windey Day attempted to air our goods &. Mr.
Chabonah Sent a french man of our party that he was Sorry for the
foolissh part he had acted and if we pleased he would accompany us
agreeabley to the terms we had perposed and doe every thing we wished
him to doe &c. &c. he had requested me Some thro our French inturpeter
two days ago to excuse his Simplicity and take him into the cirvise,
after he had taken his things across the River we called him in and
Spoke to him on the Subject, he agreed to our terms and we agreed that
he might go on with us &c &c. but fiew Indians here to day; the river
riseing a little and Severall places open.
[Clark, March 18, 1805]
18th of March 1805 a cold cloudy Day wind from the N. I pack up all the
merchindize into 8 packs equally devided So as to have Something of
every thing in each Canoe & perogue I am informed of a Party of
Christanoes & assinniboins being killed by the Sioux, 50 in Number near
the Estableishments on the assinniboin R. a fiew days ago (the effect
of Mr. Cammeron, revenge on the Chipaway for Killing 3 of his men) Mr.
Tousent Chabono, Enlisted as an Interpreter this evening, I am not well
to day.
[Clark, March 19, 1805]
19th of March 1805 Cold windey Day Cloudy Some little Snow last night
Visited to Day by the big white & Little Crow, also a man & his wife
with a Sick Child, I administer for the child I am told that two
parties are gorn to war from the Big bellies and one other party going
to war Shortly.
[Clark, March 20, 1805]
I visited the Mandans on the 20th & have the canoes taken to the River,
ready to Decend to the fort when the River Clears,
[Clark, March 20, 1805]
Fort Mandan
20th March Wednesday 1805.
I with all the men which could be Speared from the Fort went to Canoes,
there I found a number of Indians the men carried 4 to the River about
11/2 miles thro the Bottom, I visited the Chief of the Mandans in the
Course of the Day and Smoked a pipe with himself and Several old men.
cloudy wind hard from N.
[Clark, March 21, 1805]
I return on the 21st and on my return I passed on the points of the
high hills S. S. where I saw an emence quantity of Pumice Stone, and
evident marks of the hills being on fire I collected some Pumice Stone,
burnt Stone & hard earth and put them into a furnace, the hard earth
melted and glazed the other two a part of which i, e, the Hard Clay
became a Pumice-Stone, I also collected a Plant the root of which is a
Cure for the Bite of a mad dog & Snake which I shall Send--Mr. Haney (I
think it grows in the Blue R Barrens) the Indians make large Beeds of
Different Colours-
[Clark, March 21, 1805]
21st March Thursday 1805
a Cloudy Day Some snow, the men Carried the remaining the 2 remained
Canoes to the River, all except 3 left to take care & complete the
Canoes, returned to the fort with their baggage, on my return to day to
the Fort I came on the points of the high hills, Saw an emence quantity
of Pumice Stone on the Sides & foot of the hills and emence beds of
Pumice Stone near the Tops of the hills with evident marks of the Hill
haveing once been on fire, I collected Some the differnt i e Stone
Pumice Stone & a hard earth and put them into a furnace the hard earth
melted and glazed the others two and the hard Clay became a pumice
Stone Glazed. I collected Some plants &c.
[Clark, March 22, 1805]
22nd of March 1805 Visited by the 2nd Chief of the Grand Village of the
Minetarrees to whome we gave a medal & Some Clothes acknowledging him
as a 2d Chief, he Delayed all night, & Saw the men Dance, which is
common amusement with the men he returned the 23rd with Mr. La Rocque &
McKinsey two of the N W. Companys Clerks--Some few Drops of rain this
evening for the first time this Winter visited by many Indians to day
[Clark, March 22, 1805]
March 22, 1805
23rd of March Friday 1805 a Cloudy Day visited by Mrs. Lack McKinsey &
the 2d Chief of the Bigbellies, the white wolf and many other
Menataries, we gave a Medal Some Clothes and wampoms to the 2 Chief and
Delivered a Speach, which they all appeared well pleased with in The
evening the men Danced Mr. Jessomme displeased
[Clark, March 24, 1805]
24th of March Satturday 1805
after Brackfast Mr. La Rocke and Mr. McKinsey and the Chiefs & men of
the Minetarras leave us--Soon after we were visited by a Brother of the
Burnia who gave us a Vocabulary of his Language--the Coal & many other
Mandans also visit us to Day. a find Day in the fore part in the
evening a little rain & the first this winter
[Clark, March 25, 1805]
25th of March Sunday 1805
a Cloudy morning wind from the N E the after part of the Day fair,
Several Indians visit us today, prepareing to Set out on our journey
Saw Swans & wild Gees flying N E this evening
[Clark, March 25, 1805]
March 25, 1805
26h The ice broke up in Several places in the evenig broke away and was
nearly takeing off our new Canoes river rise a little
[Clark, March 26, 1805]
26th of March Monday 1805
a find Day wind S. W. but fiew Inds visit us to day the Ice haveing
broken up in Several places, The ice began to brake away this evening
and was near distroying our Canoes as they wer decnding to the fort,
river rose only 9 Inches to day prepareing to Depart
[Clark, March 27, 1805]
27th of March Tuesday 1805
The river choked up with ice opposit to us and broke away in the
evening raised only 1/2 Inch all employed prepareing to Set out
[Clark, March 28, 1805]
28th had all the Canoes, the Perogus corked pitchd & lined cover the
Cotton Wood, which is win Shaken (the Mandans feed their horses on the
cotton wood Sticks in places of corn).
[Clark, March 28, 1805]
28th of March Friday 1805
a windey Blustering Day wind S W ice running the river Blocked up in
view for the Space of 4 hours and gave way leaveing great quantity of
ice on the Shallow Sand bars. had all the canoes corked pitched &
tirred in and on the cracks and windshake which is universially in the
Cotton wood
[Clark, March 28, 1805]
March 28, 1805
25th the ice Stoped running owing to Some obstickle above all
prepareing to Set out but few Indians visit us to day they are watching
to catch the floating Buffalow which brake through the ice in Crossing,
those people are fond of those animals tainted and Catch great numbers
every Spring
[Clark, March 29, 1805]
29th of March Satturday 1805
The ice has Stoped running owing to Som obstickle above, repare the
Boat & Perogues, and prepareing to Set out but few Indians visit us to
day they are now attending on the river bank to Catch the floating
[Clark, March 30, 1805]
30th of March. The Ice is passing in great quantites, river ran a
The Plains are on fire on both Sides of the river it is common for the
indians to Set those Plains on fire near their village for the
advantage of
early Grass for the hors & as an inducement to the Buffalow to visit
[Clark, March 30, 1805]
30th of March Sunday 1805
The obstickle broke away above & the ice came dow in great quantites
the river rose 13 inches the last 24 hours I observed extrodanary
dexterity of the Indians in jumping from one Cake of ice to another,
for the purpose of Catching the buffalow as they float down maney of
the Cakes of ice which they pass over are not two feet Square. The
Plains are on fire in view of the fort on both Sides of the River, it
is Said to be common for the Indians to burn the Plains near their
villages every Spring for the benifit of ther horse, and to induce the
Buffalow to come near to them.
[Clark, March 31, 1805]
31 h of March Monday 1805 Cloudy Several gangus of Ducks and Gees pass
up not much ice floating. All the party in high Spirits, but fiew
nights pass without a Dance they are helth. except the-vn.--which is
common with the Indians and have been communicated to many of our party
at this place--those favores bieng easy acquired. all Tranquille
[Clark, March 31, 1805]
31t of March Monday 1805
Cloudy Day Seven Gangs of Gees and Ducks pass up the river--but a Small
portion of ice floating down to day--but fiew Inds visit us to day all
the party in high Spirits they pass but fiew nights without amuseing
themselves danceing possessing perfect harmony and good understanding
towards each other Generally healthy except venerials complains which
is verry Commion amongst the natives and the men Catch it from them
Part II: Journal Entries of March 1805
- Details
- Written by: Meriwether Lewis and and William Clark
- Category: The Journals of Lewis and Clark 1804-1806