[Clark, June 1, 1804]
 June 1st Friday 1804 Set out early, the Same Course S 48° W of Wednesday
 contd. 4 ms passed the Mouth of Little Miry on the Stb & high rich Land
 on the Lb Side, S. 45°W to an Island opposit a hill on the S. Sd. 6 Ms.
 this Isd is on the Lbd. passed the Mo. of Bear creek 25 yds wide at 2
 ms. & three Small Isd., Some Swift water and banks falling in, Wind a
 head from the West, S 39° W 3 ms. to the Pt. above the mouth of Osage
 River Larb Side, Camped fell a number of Trees in the Point to take
 observation a fair after noon, Sit up untill 1 oClock to take Som
 observations &c.
 [Clark, June 1, 1804]
 June 1st 1804 Friday
 Set out early a fair morning Passed the mouth Bear Creek 25 yds. Wide
 at 6 Miles, Several Small Islands in the river the wind a head from the
 West the Current exceedingly rapid Came to on the point of the Osarges
 River on the Labd Side of Missouries this osages river Verry high,
 felled all the Trees in the point to Make observations Sit up untill 12
 oClock taken oservation this night
 [Clark, June 2, 1804]
 June 2nd--Took the Dirts. of Son & moon &c &c. I measured the Osage &
 Missouris at this place made ther width as follows, the Missoure 875
 yd. wide The Osage R 397 yds. wide, the distance between the 2 rivers
 80 poles up is 40 Ps. Took equal altitudes & Mredian altitude also-and
 made them ____ I assended the hill in the point 80 ps. from the pt.
 found it about 100 foot high, on the top is 2 graves, or mouns, a
 Delightfull prospect from this hill which Comds. both rivers
 Drewyer & Shields came to the opposit Side to day at SunSet we sent
 across & brought them over, they had been absent 7 Days Swam many
 creeks, much worsted. They informed us that the Countrey on both Sides
 of muddy river's to the hill called by the french ____ 3 ms. below this
 place, a Small Praries below the hill, 4 Deer Killed to day I assend a
 hill &. after measuring the river &c. &c. &c.
 [Clark, June 2, 1804]
 June 2nd Satturday Cap Lewis Took the Time & Distance of suns & moons
 nearest limbs, the Sun East--and Meridean altitude of Suns U. L. with
 Octant, back observation gave for altitude 37° 28"00".
 Error of Octant 2° 00' 00" +. made Several other observations--I made an
 angle for the Wedth of the two rivers. The Missourie from the Point to
 the N. Side is 875 yards wide the Osage River from the point to the S.
 E Side is 397 yards wide, the destance between the two rivers at the
 pt. of high Land (ioo foot above the bottom) and 80 poles up the
 Missouries from the point is 40 poles, on the top of this high land
 under which is a limestone rock two Mouns or graves are raised--from
 this pt. which Comds both rivers I had a delightful) prospect of the
 Missouries up & down, also the Osage R. up. George Drewyer & John
 Shields who we had Sent with the horses by Land on the N Side joined us
 this evening much worsted, they being absent Seven Days depending on
 their gun, the greater part of the time rain, they were obliged to raft
 or Swim many Creeks, those men gave a flattering account of the
 Countrey Commencing below the first hill on the N Side and extendg
 Parrelal with the river for 30 or 40 Ms. The Two Muddey river passing
 Thro & som fine Springs & Streams our hunters kill Several Deer to day,
 Some Small licks on the S E of the Osage River.
 [Clark, June 3, 1804]
 June Sunday 3rd 1804
 the fore part of the day fair I attempted to take equal alltitudes, & M
 Altitudes, but was disapointed, the Clouds obsured the Sun, took the D.
 of sun & moon Capt Lewis & George Drewyer went out & Killed a Deer, We
 Set out at 5 oClock P M Cloudy & rain, West 5 Ms. to the mo. of Murrow
 Creek Lb Sd. a pt. St. Side Keeping along the Lbd Side 1 Ms., passed
 the mouth of a Creek on Lbd Side 3 ms., I call Cupboard, Creek, mouths
 behind a rock which projects into the river, Camped in the mouth of the
 Creek aforesaid, at the mouth of this Creek I saw much fresh Signs of
 Indians, haveing Crossed 2 Deer Killed to day. I have a verry Sore
 Throat, & am Tormented with Musquetors & Small ticks.
 [Clark, June 3, 1804]
 June 3rd Sunday 1804
 The forepart of the day fair Took meridional altitude of suns U:L with
 the Octant and Glass Horrison adjusted back observation. the instrument
 gave 38° 2' 00"--it was Cloudy and the Suns disk much obsured, and Cannot
 be Depended on.
 We made other Observations in the evening after the return of Capt
 Lewis from a walk of three or four ms. round--We Set out at 5 oClock
 P.M. proceeded on five miles to the mouth of a Creek on the L. S. 20
 yds. wide Called Murow, passed a Creek at 3 ms. which I call Cupbord
 Creek as it Mouths above a rock of that appearance. Several Deer Killed
 to dayat the mouth of the Murow Creek I Saw much Sign of war parties of
 Inds. haveing Crossed from the mouth of this Creek. I have a bad Cold
 with a Sore throat. Near West 5 Miles
 [Clark, June 4, 1804]
 June 4th 1804 Monday, a fair Day Sent out 3 hunters, our mast broke by
 the boat running under a tree Passed an Islands on Stbd Side on which
 grow Seeder a Creek at ____ miles on the Starbd Sd. Course N. 30° W 4 ms.
 to pt. on St. Side below 2d Isd. passed a Creek on Lbd Side 15 yd.
 wide, I call Nightingale Creek. this Bird Sang all last night and is
 the first of the kind I ever herd, below this Creek and the last Passed
 a Small Isd on the Stbd. N. 25 W. 3 ms. to a pt. on St. Sd. passed a
 Sm. Isd. on St. Sd. and Seeder Creek on the Same Side 20 yds wide
 passed a Creek on Lbd Sd. 20 yd wide, I call Mast Creek, this is a
 Short Creek, fine land above & below the mouth. Jentle rise of about 50
 foot, Delightfull Timber of Oake ash walnut hickory &c. &c. wind from N
 W. by W. N. 58° W. 71/2 ms. passed a Creek Called Zoncar on the Lbd Side,
 N 75 W 3 me. to a pt, S. Sd. called Batue a De charm, a plain on the
 hill opposit. I got out & walked on the L Sd. thro a Charming Bottom of
 rich Land about one mile then I assended a hill of about 170 foot on
 the top of which is a Moun and about 100 acres of Land of Dead timber
 on this hill one of the party says he has found Lead ore a verry
 extensive Cave under this hill next the river, the Land on the top is
 fine, This is a very bad part of the river Seven Deer Killed to day by
 our hunters--one of the horses is Snaged, the other lost his Shous to
 day the Bottom on the St. Side to day is covered with rushes, not verry
 good ____ the high land Comes to the bank on the Labd Side and good 2d
 rate land.
 [Clark, June 4, 1804]
 June 4th Monday 1804
 a fair day three men out on the right flank passed a large Island on
 the St. Side Called Seeder Island, this Isd. has a great Deel of Ceedar
 on it, passed a Small Creek at 1 ms. 15 yd. Wide which we named
 Nightingale Creek from a Bird of that discription which Sang for us all
 last night, and is the first of the Kind I ever heard. passed the mouth
 of Seeder Creek at 7 ms. on the S. S. abt. 20 yds. Wide above Some
 Small Isds. passed a Creek on the L. S. abt. 15 yds. wide. Mast Creek,
 here the Sergt. at the helm run under a bending Tree & broke the mast,
 Some delightful) Land, with a jentle assent about the Creek, well
 timbered, Oake, Ash, walnut &c. &c. passed, wind N W. by W. passed a
 Small Creek Called Zan Can C on the L. S; at this last point I got out
 and walked on the L. Sd. thro a rush bottom for 1 Miles & a Short
 Distance thro Nettles as high as my brest assended a hill of about 170
 foot to a place where the french report that Lead ore has been found, I
 saw no mineral of that description, Capt Lewis Camped imediately under
 this hill, to wate which gave me Some time to examine the hill, on the
 top is a moun of about 6 foot high and about 100 Acres of land which
 the large timber is Dead in Decending about 50 foot a projecting lime
 Stone rock under which is a Cave at one place in this projecting rocks
 I went on one which Spured up and hung over the Water from the top of
 this rock I had a prospect of the river for 20 or 30 ms. up, from the
 Cave which incumposed the hill I decended by a Steep decent to the
 foot, a verry bad part of the river opposit this hill, the river
 Continu to fall Slowly, our hunters killed 7 Deer to day The land our
 hunters passed thro to day on the S. S. was Verry fine the latter part
 of to day. the high land on the S. S. is about 2d rate
 [Clark, June 5, 1804]
 June 5th Tuesday, Jurked the Vennison Killed yesterday, after Seting
 over the Scouting Party or hunder of 3 men Set out at 6 oClock Course N
 57° W to a pt. on S. Sd. 5 ms. passed a Creek on L. Sd. I call Lead C of
 15 yds passed one on the S. Called Lit. good-womans Creek about 20 yds.
 wide Passed a Willow Isd. a Butifull Prarie approaching near the river
 above Lead C & extends to the Mine river in a westerly Derection,
 passed the Mouth of the Creek of the Big Rock 15 yds Wide at 4 ms. on
 the Lbd Sd. at 11 oClock brought a Caissie in which was 2 men, from 80
 League up the Kansias River, where they wintered and caught a great qty
 of Beever but unfortunatey lost it by the burning of the plains, the
 Kansas Nation hunted on the Missourie last Winter and are now persueing
 the Buffalow in the Plains, passed a Projecting Rock called the Manitou
 a Painting from this Deavel to the Pt. on the Lbd Side N 23° W 71/2 Ms.
 The Same course 21/2 ms. Creek Cld. Manitou passed a on the Lbd. Side
 about 40 yd. wide, a Sand bar in the middle of the River passed up
 between the Sand & L. Shore one Mile to a Small Creek 10 yd. wide, (I
 call Sand C). We run on the Sand and was obliged to return to the
 Starbd Side, I am verry unwell with a Slight feever from a bad cold
 caught three days ago at the Grand so R--passed a Small Willow Isd. on
 S. Side, a large one in the Middle of the river, York Swam to the Isd.
 to pick greens, and Swam back with his greens, the Boat Drew too much
 water to cross the quick Sands which intervened, She draws 4 foot
 water, a fair wind our mast being broke by accidence provented our
 takeing the advantage of it passed the lower point of a large Island,
 opposit the Current devides between 4 Small Isds on the St Side. we
 found the water excessively hard for 12 Miles as we were oblged to pass
 up the center of the Current between two of the Isds. & round the heads
 of the other 2 the Current Setting imediately against the points which
 was choked up with Drift for a mile--Above those Isd. on the St. Side
 we camped altogether our Hunter or Spis discovered the sign of a war
 party of abt. 10 Men
 [Clark, June 5, 1804]
 June 5th Tuesday 1804
 after Jurking the meet Killed yesterday and Crossing the hunting party
 we Set out at 6 oClock, from the last Course & distance, N 51° W. 5 ms.
 to a pt. on the St. Sd. passed a Small Creek on the Ld. S. I call Lead
 C. passed a Creek on the S. S. of 20 yds. wide Cald. Lit. Good Womans
 C. on the L. S. a Prarie extends from Lead C. parrelel with the river
 to Mine river, at 4 ms. Passed the Creek of the big rock about 15 yds.
 wide on the L. Sd. at 11 oClock brought too a Small Caissee in which
 was two french men, from 80 Leagues up the Kansias R. where they
 wintered, and Cought a great quantity of Beaver, the greater part of
 which they lost by fire from the Praries, those men inform that the
 Kansas Nation are now out in the plains hunting Buffalow, they hunted
 last winter on this river Passed a projecting rock on which was painted
 a figue and a Creek at 2 ms. above Called Little Manitou Creek from the
 Painted rock this Creek 20 yds. wide on the L. Sd. passed a Small Creek
 on L. S. opposit a Verry bad Sand bar of Several ms. in extent, which
 we named Sand C here my Servent York Swam to the Sand bar to geather
 greens for our Dinner and returnd with a Sufficent quantity wild
 Creases or Teng grass, we passed up for 2 ms on the L. S. of this Sand
 and was obliged to return, the Watr. uncertain the quick Sand Moveing
 we had a fine wind, but could not make use of it, our Mast being broke,
 we passed between 2 Small Islands in the Middle of the Current, & round
 the head of three a rapid Current for one mile and Camped on the S. S.
 opsd. a large Island in the middle of the river; one Perogue did not
 get up for two hours, our Scout discovd. the fresh sign of about 10
 Inds. I expect that those Indians are on their way to war against the
 Osages nation probably they are the Saukees
 [Clark, June 6, 1804]
 Wednesday the 6th of June 1804.
 Mended our mast this morning and Set out at 7 oClock, under a Jentle
 Braise from the S, E by S N 28° W 31/2 miles to a hill on St Sd. passg
 the N. beige of the Island Called Split rock Island, the river rose
 last night a foot the Countrey about this Isd. is delightfull large
 rush bottom of rushes below on the St. Side N 49° W, 11/2 Ms. to the
 mouth of Split rock River ____ yds. wide on the Starboard Side opod.
 the pt. of a Isd. passed a place in the projecting rock Called the hole
 thro the rock, a round Cave pass thro the Pt. of rock's West 11/2 ms.
 to a pt. on Std. Sd. opposit a Clift of rocks abt 200 foot N 31° W. 4 ms
 1/2 to a pt. on L. Side passed Saline Creek on the L. Side a large Salt
 Lick & Spring 9 me. up the Creek, one bushel of water will make 7 lb.
 of good Salt
 (Information) Took Meridian altitude of sun Limb. 37° 6' 0" equat to ____
 of Lattidude.
 on this Creek, So great a no of Salt Springs are on it that the water
 is brackish N 51° W to a Belge of an Isd on the S. Sd. at 3 ms. Passed a
 Willow Isd. in Middle, Some wind in the after part of to day from the S
 E, (the Banks are falling in greatly in this part of the river) as also
 is one Side or the other in all the Course, we assended on the North
 Side of the Isd. and finding that the perogues Could not Keep up Camped
 2 hs. by Sun. on the Sd Sd the land below this is good.
 [Clark, June 6, 1804]
 June 6th Wednesday 1804
 Mended our Mast this morning &, Set out at 7 oClock under a jentle
 breise from S. E. by S passed the large Island, and a Creek Called
 Split rock Creek at 5 ms. on the S. S. psd. a place to the rock from
 which 20 yds we. this Creek takes its name, a projecting rock with a
 hole thro a point of the rock, at 8 ms. passed the mouth of a Creek
 Called Saline or Salt R on the L. Sd. this River is about 30 yds. wide,
 and has So many Licks & Salt Springs on its banks that the Water of the
 Creek is Brackish, one Verry large Lick is 9 ms. up on the left Side
 the water of the Spring in this Lick is Strong as one bushel of the
 water is said to make 7 lb. of good Salt passed a large Isd. & Several
 Small ones, the water excessivly Strong, So much So that we Camped
 Sooner than the usial time to waite for the pirogue, The banks are
 falling in Verry much to day river rose last night a foot.
 Capt. Lewis took meridean altd. of Suns U. L. with the octant above
 Split Rock C. &made the altitude 37° 6' 00 error of octt. as useal 2° 0' 0"
 + The Countrey for Several miles below is good, on the top of the high
 land back is also tolerable land Some buffalow Sign to day
 I am Still verry unwell with a Sore throat & head ake
 [Clark, June 7, 1804]
 Thursday 7th of June 1804 Set out early passed the head of the Isd from
 the Isd. N. 61° W. to the mouth of a Creek Called big monitu on St. Sd.
 41/2 ms. psd. a Sand bar in the river, Som Buffalow Sign Sent out
 George Drewyer & Newmon to hunt Capt Lewis and 6 men went to a Lick up
 this Creek on the right Side over 2 mes. & 2 other not far above the
 water runs out of the bank & not verry Strong. 3 to 500 G for a bushell.
 S 88° W. 2 Miles to a pt. on Lbd. Side, high bluff on the Stbd. Side,
 Monitou Creek is 30 yds. Wide at the mouth, passed a painted part of a
 Projecting rock we found ther a Den of rattle Snakes, Killed 3
 proceeded on passed, S 81°W 4 ms. to apt. on S. Side passed an Island in
 the Middle of the river, S. 87° W. to a pt. of high Land on the L. S.
 pass'g over the Middle of a willow Island, ms. 31/2 proceed on 1/2 a
 mile on this Course a Camped at the mouth of Good womans river on the
 S. S. about 35 yds wide, & navagable Som D. our hunters brought in 3
 bear this evening-& infd. that the Countrey between this R. & the
 Monitou R is rich and well watered, Capt. Lewis went out an hour this
 [Clark, June 7, 1804]
 June 7th Thursday 1804
 Set out early passed the head of the Island opposit which we Camped
 last night, and brackfast at the Mouth of a large Creek on the S. S. Of
 30 yds wide Called big Monetou, from the pt. of the Isd. or Course of
 last night to the mouth of this Creek is N 61° W 41/2 ms. a Short
 distance above the mouth of this Creek, is Several Courious Paintings
 and Carveing in the projecting rock of Limestone inlade with white red
 & blue flint, of a verry good quallity, the Indians have taken of this
 flint great quantities. We landed at this Inscription and found it a
 Den of rattle Snakes, we had not landed 3 minutes before three verry
 large Snakes wer observed on the Crevises of the rocks & Killed--at the
 mouth of the last mentioned Creek Capt. Lewis took four or five men &
 went to Some Licks or Springs of Salt water from two to four miles up
 the Creek on Rt. Side the water of those Springs are not Strong, Say
 from 4 to 600 Gs. of water for a Bushel of Salt passed Some Small
 willow Islands and Camped at the Mouth of a Small river called Good
 Womans River this river is about 35 yards wide and Said to be navagable
 for Perogues Several Leagues Capt. Lewis with 2 men went up the Creek a
 Short distance. our Hunters brought in three Bear this evening, and
 informs that the Countrey thro which they passed from the last Creek is
 fine rich land, & well watered.
 [Clark, June 8, 1804]
 June 8th Friday
 Set out at Daylight proceeded on the Course of last night S 87° W 3
 ms passed a Willow Island, from the Point of last Course S 81° W. 3 ms.
 to a pt. on S. S. passd a ____ Isd. in the middle of the river, passd a
 on the Ld S. above a pt. of rocks 3 ms. on which thir is a number of
 Deer Licks, N 88° W. 3 Ms. to a pt L S. N. 83° W 2 ms. to the Mo of Mine
 River, psd an Isd.--This river is 90 yards wide & navagable for
 Perogues about 90 Ms. I went out on the L S. about 4 ms. below this R.
 and found the Countrey for one mile back good Land and well watered the
 hills not high with a gentle assent from the river, well timbered with
 oake, walnit Hickory ash, &c. the land Still further back becoms thin
 and open, with Black & rasp Berries, and Still further back the Plains
 Commence, The french inform that Lead ore is found on this river in
 Several places, it heads up between the Osagees & Kansas River the
 right hand folk passes in a Short distance of the Missourie at the
 antient Little Ozages Villages our hunter Killed, 2 Deer, after Staying
 one hour at the mouth of this River, Cap Lewis went out & proceeded on
 one Mile & came in, he fount the land in the point high and fine Course
 N. 64° W 1 Ms. to a pt. on S. S. N. 80° W to the Lower pot a Id. on L. S.
 passed a Small Isd. in the m. R. at (3 Ms.) met 3 men on a Caussee from
 R Dis Soux, above The Mahar Nation loaded with fur. Camped on the Lower
 point of an Id. L. S. called the Mills, here I found Kegs an Pummey
 stone, and a place that fur or Skins had been burred by the hunters our
 Hunters Killed 5 Deer, Some rain, the Countrey on the S. S. is Verry
 [Clark, June 8, 1804]
 8th of June, Friday 1804
 Set out this morning at Daylight proceeden on the Course of last night
 Passed two willow Islands & a Small Creek above a Rock point on the L.
 S. at 6 miles on which there is a number of Deer Licks, passed the Mine
 River at 9 ms. this river is about 70 yards wide at its mouth and is
 Said to be navagable for Perogues 80 or 90 ms. the main branch passes
 near the place where the Little osage Village formerly Stood on the
 Missouries, & heads between the Osarge & Kansias Rivers, the left hand
 fork head with nearer Branches of the Osage River, The french inform
 that Lead Ore has been found in defferent parts of this river, I took
 Sjt. Floyd and went out 4 Ms. below this river, I found the land Verry
 good for a Mile or 11/2 Ms. back and Sufficiently watered with Small
 Streams which lost themselves in the Missouries bottom, the Land rose
 gradeuelly from the river to the Summit of the high Countrey which is
 not more that 120 foot above High Water mark, we joined the Boat &
 Dined in the point above the mouth of this River, Capt. Lewis went out
 above the river & proceeded on one mile, finding the Countrey rich, the
 wedes & Vines So thick & high he came to the Boat--proceeded on passed
 an Island and Camped at the lower point of an Island on the L. S.
 Called the Island of mills about 4 ms. above Mine River at this place I
 found Kanteens, Axs, Pumey Stone & peltrey hid & buried (I suppose by
 some hunters) none of them (except the pumey Stone) was teched by one
 of our party, our hunters Killed 5 Deer to day, Commenced raining Soon
 after we Came too which prevented the party Cooking their provisions-
 our Spies inform that the Countrey they passed thro on S. S. is a fine
 high bottom, no water.
 This day we met 3 men on a Cajaux from the River of the Soux above the
 Mahar nation those men had been hunting 12 mo. & made about 900$ in
 pelts. & furs they were out of Provesions and out of Powder. rained
 this night
 [Clark, June 9, 1804]
 9th of June Satterday Set out early, water verry Swift got fast on a
 log, detained us 1/4 hour Hard rain last night. N 39° W 31/2 Ms. to a pt.
 on the S. S. opposit the Commencement of the 1st Prarie, Called Prarie
 of the Arrows,1 the river at this place about 300 yds. Wide passed a
 Small Creek, Arrow Creek 8 yds. wide L. Sd. the Current exceedingly
 N 34° E 2 ms. to the Belg of a Small Island Situated on the L. Sd. Passed
 the mo. of Arrow Creek N 83°W 11/2 ms. to a pt on L. S. opposit Black
 bird C Small passed the head of the Isd. & a small Willow one to the L.
 S. (Os merdn. altd. back obsvn. 37 00' 00) N. 39° W 2 Ms. to a pt. of
 High Land on the L. Side opst. a pt. on St. S. River about 350 yds.
 wide at this pt. a Wind from the S at 4 oClock (Handson Sutn) on the
 High pt. a prarie & Small Lake below N 32° E 31/2 Ms. to a pt. on L. S.
 passed an Isld. in the mid R--in passing up on the S. S. opsd. the Isd.
 the Sturn of the boat Struck a log which was not proceiveable the Curt.
 Struck her bow and turn the boat against Some drift & Snags which below
 with great force; This was a disagreeable and Dangerous Situation,
 particularly as immense large trees were Drifting down and we lay
 imediately in their Course,--Some of our men being prepared for all
 Situations leaped into the water Swam ashore with a roap, and fixed
 themselves in Such Situations, that the boat was off in a fiew minits,
 I can Say with Confidence that our party is not inferior to any that
 was ever on the waters of the Missoppie we Crossed to the Island and
 Camped, our hunters lay on the S. S. the wind from the S. W. the river
 continue to rise Slowly Current excessive rapid--The Countrey on the S.
 S. high bottom & Delghtfull land that on the L. S. is up land or hills
 of from 50 to 100 foot higher than the bottom & a thinly wooded,
 Countrey, Lands tolerably Good; Comminced raining at 5 oClock and
 continued by intervales the greater part of the night. We discovered
 that one of our French hands had a Conpt.--We Commsd Doctering, I hope
 the Success in this case, usial to
 [Clark, June 9, 1804]
 9th of June 1804 Satturday
 a fair morning, the River rise a little we got fast on a Snag Soon
 after we Set out which detained us a Short time passed the upper Point
 of the Island Several Small Chanels running out of the River below a
 Bluff & Prarie (Called the Prariee of Arrows) where the river is
 confined within the width of 300 yds. Passed a Creek of 8 yds. wide
 Called Creek of Arrows, this Creek is Short and heads in the Praries on
 the L. S. passed a Small Creek Called Blackbird Creek S. S. and One
 Islands below & a Prarie above on the L. S. a Small Lake above the
 Prarie--opposit the Lower point of the 2d. Island on the S. S. we had
 like to have Stove our boat, in going round a Snag her Stern Struck a
 log under Water & She Swung round on the Snag, with her broad Side to
 the Current expd. to the Drifting timber, by the active exertions of
 our party we got her off in a fiew Mints. without engerey and Crossed
 to the Island where we Campd. our hunters lay on the S. S. the Perogue
 Crossed without Seeing them & the banks too uncertain to Send her over-
 Some wind from the S accompanied with rain this evening--The Lands on
 the S. S. is a high rich bottom the L. S. appears oven and of a good
 quallity runing gradually to from fifty to 100 foot.
 [Clark, June 10, 1804]
 June 10th Sunday 1804 Some rain last night we set out early Saw a
 number of Goslings this morning, Continued on the Course of last night,
 thence N. 8 E. 21/2 ms. to a pt. on the L. S. passed a part of the
 River that the banks are falling in takeing with them large trees of
 Cotton woods which is the Common groth in the Bottoms Subject to the
 flud North 1 Me along the L. Side N. 40° W. 1 ms. along the L, S. opposit
 the two Charletons, on the N. Side, those rivers mouth together, the
 1st 40 yds. wide the next 90 yds. Wide and navagable Some distance in
 the Countrey, the land below is high & not verry good. Came to and took
 Mdnl. altd. of Sons U. L. back obsvn. with the octant Made it 37° 12'
 00", delayed 11/2 Hour. N. 70° W 1/2 of a me. along the L. Sd.--S 60° W 1/2
 m. on L. S. the Same Course to the Pt. S. S. 11/2 Ms. We halted and
 Capt Lewis Killed a Buck the Current is excessively Swift about this
 place N. 80° W. 3 ms to a pt. on S. S. passed a Isd. Called Sheeco Islan
 wind from the N W Camped in a Prarie on the L. S., Capt Lewis & my Self
 Walked out 3 ms. found the Country roleing open & rich, with plenty of
 water, great qts of Deer I discovered a Plumb which grows on bushes the
 hight of Hasle, those plumbs are in great numbers, the bushes beare
 Verry full, about double the Sise of the wild plumb Called the Osage
 Plumb & am told they are finely flavoured.
 [Clark, June 10, 1804]
 10th of June 1804
 A hard rain last night, we Set out this morning verry early passed Some
 bad placies in the river Saw a number of Goslings morning pass near a
 Bank which was falling in at the time we passed, passed the two River
 of Charletons which mouth together, above Some high land which has a
 great quantity of Stone Calculated for whetstons the first of those
 rivers is about 30 yds. Wide & the other is 70 yds wd. and heads Close
 to the R.
 Dumoin The Aieways Nation have a Village on the head of these River
 they run through an even Countrey and is navagable for Perogues Cap
 Lewis took Medn. altd. of sun U. L with Octant, back obsvn. made it 37°
 12' 00"--delayd 11/2 hours.
 Capt. Lewis Killed a large Buck, passed a large Isd. called Shecco and
 Camped in a Prarie on the L. S. I walked out three miles, found the
 prarie composed of good Land and plenty of water roleing & interspursed
 with points of timberd land, Those Praries are not like those, or a
 number of those E. of the Mississippi Void of every thing except grass,
 they abound with Hasel Grapes & a wild plumb of a Superior quallity,
 called the Osages Plumb Grows on a bush the hight of a Hasel and hang
 in great quantities on the bushes I Saw great numbers of Deer in the
 Praries, the evening is Cloudy, our party in high Spirits.
 [Clark, June 11, 1804]
 11 June Monday--as the wind blew all this day from the N, W. which was
 imedeately a head we Could not Stur, but took the advantage of the
 Delay and Dried our wet articles examined provisons and Cleaned arms,
 my Cold is yet verry bad--the river begining to fall our hunters killed
 two Deer, G Drewry killed 2 Bear in the Prareie to day, men verry
 lively Danceing & Singing &c.
 [Clark, June 11, 1804]
 11th June 1804 Monday
 The N W. wind blew hard & Cold as this wind was imediately a head, we
 Could not proceed we took the advantage of this Delay and Dried our wet
 articles examin'd Provisions &c. &c. the river begining to fall the
 hunters killed two Deer G. Drewyer Killed two Bear in the Prarie, they
 were not fat. we had the meat Jurked and also the Venison, which is a
 Constant Practice to have all the fresh meat not used, Dried in this
 [Clark, June 12, 1804]
 12th of June, Tuesday We Set out early, passed thro a verry bad bend N.
 25° W. 31/2 to apt. L. S. N. 70° W. 21/2 ms to apt. on S. S. passed a Sand
 bar-N 60° W 31/2 ms. to a pt. on S. S. passed Plumb. C at 1/2 a me. on L.
 S. and halted to Dine, and 2 Caussease Came Down from the Soux nation,
 we found in the party an old man who had been with the Soux 20 years &
 had great influence with them, we provld. on this old man Mr. Duriaur
 to return with us, with a view to get Some of the Soux Chiefs to go to
 the U. S. purchased 300 lb. of Voyagers Grece @ 5$ Hd. made Some
 exchanges & purchuses of Mockersons & found it Late & concluded to
 Those people inform that no Indians are on the river, The Countrey on
 each Side of the river is good
 [Clark, June 12, 1804]
 12th of June, Tuesday 1804
 Set out early passed Some bad Placies, and a Small Creek on the L. S.
 Called plumb Creek at abt. 1 me. at 1 oClock we brought too two
 Chaussies one Loaded with furs & Pelteries, the other with Greece
 buffalow grease & tallow We purchased 300 lb. of Greese, and finding
 that old Mr. Durioun was of the party we questioned him untill it was
 too late to Go further and Concluded to Camp for the night, those
 people inform nothing of much information Colcluded to take old Durioun
 back as fur as the Soux nation with a view to get some of their Chiefs
 to Visit the Presdt.
 of the United S. (This man being a verry Confidential friend of those
 people, he having resided with the nation 20 odd years) and to
 accompany them on
 [Clark, June 13, 1804]
 13th June Wednesday we Set out early passed a verry round bend to L. S.
 passed two Creeks 1 me. apt. Called Creeks of the round Bend, between
 those Creeks Stbd S. is a butifull Prarie, in which the antient
 Missourie Indians had a Village, at this place 300 of them were killed
 by the Saukees, a fair Day. Passed the antient Missouries villages on
 right Course N 40° W 21/2 pt. L S., S 29° W 3 ms. pt. S. S., this nation
 once the Most Noumerous is now almost extinct, about 30 of them,
 liveing with Otteaus on the R. Platt, the remainder all distroyed, took
 altd. of S. U L with qdt. which gave N 28 W. 11/2 ms to a pt. S. S.
 Passed some Charming land, I have not Seen any high hils above
 Charliton and the hits below for Several days Cannot to turmed hills
 but high Land, not exceeding 100 abov the high water mark N 30° W, to a
 pt. L. S. 2 ms. passed a verry bad Sand bar, where the boat was nearly
 turning & fastening in the quick Sand and came too in the mouth of
 Grand R. S. S. this River is about 120 yards wide and navigable for
 Purogues a great distance, it heads with the River Dumoine, passing the
 river Carlton. a Butifull open Prarie Coms to the river below its
 mouth, we landed and walked to the hills which is abt. 1/2 a mile. the
 Lower prarie over flows. the hunters Killd. a Bare & Dere, this is a
 butifull place the Prarie rich & extinsive, Took Some Looner
 Observations which Kept Cap L. & my Self up untill half past 11 oClock.
 [Clark, June 13, 1804]
 13th June Wednesday, 1804
 We Set out early passed a round bend to the S. S. and two Creeks Called
 the round bend Creeks between those two Creeks and behind a Small
 willow Island in the bend is a Prarie in which the Missouries Indians
 once lived and the Spot where 300 of them fell a Sacrifise to the fury
 of the Saukees This nation (Missouries) once the most noumerous nation
 in this part of the Continent now reduced to about 80 fes. and that
 fiew under the protection of the Otteaus on R Platt who themselves are
 declineing passed Som willow Isds. and bad Sand bars, Twook Medn.
 altitude with Octent back observation it gave for altd. on its Low L 36°
 58' 0" the E Enstrement 2° 00' 00" +. the Hills or high land for Several
 days past or above the 2 Charletons does not exceed 100 foot passed a
 Batteau or Sand roleing where the Boat was nearly turning over by her
 Strikeing & turning on the Sand. We came too in the Mouth of Grand
 River on S. S. and Camped for the night, this River is from 80 to 100
 yards wide at its Mouth and navagable for Perogues a great distance
 This river heads with the R. Dumoine below its mouth is a butifull
 Plain of bbttom land the hills rise at 1/2 a mile back
 The lands about this place is either Plain or over flown bottom Capt
 Lewis and my Self walked to the hill from the top of which we had a
 butifull prospect of Serounding Countrey in the open Prarie we Caught a
 racoon, our hunters brought in a Bear & Deer we took Some Luner
 observation this evening.
 [Clark, June 14, 1804]
 14th June, Thursday We set out at 6 oClock after a thick fog proceeded
 on verry well S. 33 W 2 Ms. to the lower pt of an Isld. S. S. S. 60° W.
 thro a narrow 1 me channel to a Small prarie S. S. opposit this Isd. on
 L. L. is a Butifull high Plain. from the Isd. S. 70'W. to a pt. L. S.
 21/2 ms. just below a piec of High Land on the S. S. Called the place
 of Snakes, passed the worst place I have Seen on L. S. a Sand bar
 makeing out 2/3 Cross the river Sand Collecting &c forming Bars and
 Bars washg a way, the boat Struck and turned, She was near oversetting
 we saved her by Some extrodany exertions of our party (ever ready to
 inconture any fatigue for the premotion of the enterpris), I went out
 to walk on the Sand Beech, & Killed a Deer & Turky during the time I
 was from the boat a Caussee came too from the Pania nation loaded with
 furs We gave them Some whiskey and Tobacco & Settled Some desputes &
 parted S. 5 E. 3 ms. to pt. on S. S. passed a Creek S. S. 25 yds. wd.
 Called Snake Creek or (____) passed a bad Sand bar S. S. in passing
 which we were obliged to run great Sesque of Loseing both Boat & men,
 Camped above, G. Drewyer tels of a remarkable Snake inhabiting a Small
 lake 5 ms. below which gobbles like a Turkey & may be herd Several
 miles, This Snake is of Size.
 [Clark, June 14, 1804]
 14th, June Thursday we Set out at 6 oClock, after a thick fog passed
 thro a narrow pass on the S. S. which forms a large Isd. opposit the
 upper point of this Island on the L. S. is one of the worst quick or
 moveing Sand bars which I have Seen not withstanding all our
 precaustons to Clear the Sands & pass between them (which was the way
 we were Compd. to pass from the immens Current & falling banks on the
 S. S.) the Boat Struck the point of one from the active exertions of
 the men, prevented her turning, if She had turned She must have
 overset. we met a Causseu from the Pania on the River Platt, we
 detained 2 hours with a view of engageing one of the hands to go to the
 Pania nation with a View to get those people to meet us on the river. I
 went out (Shot a Deer) we passd a highland &clay bluff on the S. S.
 Called the Snake bluff from the number of Snakes about this place, we
 passd a Creek above the Bluff about 18 yds. wide, This Creek is Called
 Snake Creek, a bad Sand bar Just below which we found difficuelty in
 passing & Campd above, our Hunters Came in. George Drewyer, gives the
 following act. of a Pond, & at abt. 5 miles below the S. S. Passed a
 Small Lake in which there was many Deer feeding he heard in this Pond a
 Snake makeing Goubleing Noises like a turkey. he fired his gun & the
 noise was increased, he has heard the indians Mention This Species of
 Snake one Frenchman give a Similar account
 [Clark, June 15, 1804]
 15 June Friday 1804, we Set out early proceeded on about 1 me. and the
 Boat turned on a Sawyer which was near doeing her great damage, the
 river is riseing fast & the water exceedingly Swift, passd. a bad Sand
 bar on which we Stuck for a Short time this is Said to be the worst
 part of the river and Camped opsd. the bend in which the Antient
 Villages of the little Osarge & Missouries, the lower or first of those
 villagies (L. Osages) is Situated in Butifull Plain at the foot of Some
 riseing land, in front of their Viliges next the river is a butifull
 bottom Plain in which they raised their Corn &c. back of the Village
 the high Prarie extends back to the Osarge River, about 3 Ms. above &
 in view the Missouries Nation resided under the protection of the
 Osarges, after their nation was riducd by the Saukees below, thos built
 their Village in the Same low Prarie and lived there many years, the
 war was So hot & both nations becom So reduced that the Little Osage &
 a fiew of the Missoures moved & built a village 5 ms near the Grand
 Osage, the rest of the Missoures went and took protection under the
 Otteaus on Platt river
 [Clark, June 15, 1804]
 15th, June, Friday 1804 Set out early and had not proceeded far e'er we
 wheeled on a Sawyer which was near injuring us Verry much, passed a
 plain on the L. S. a Small Isd. in the midle the river riseing, water
 verry Swift Passed a Creek on the L. S. passed between two Islands, a
 verry bad place, Moveing Sands, we were nearly being Swallowed up by
 the roleing Sands over which the Current was So Strong that we Could
 not Stem it with our Sales under a Stiff breese in addition to our
 ores, we were Compelled to pass under a bank which was falling in, and
 use the Toe rope occasionally, Continued up pass two other Small
 Islands and Camped on the S. S. Nearly opposit the Antient Village of
 the Little Osarges and below the Antt. Village of the Missoures both
 Situations in view an within three Ms. of each other, the Osage were
 Settled at the foot a hill in a butifell Plain which extends back quite
 to the Osage River, in front of the Vilg. Next to the river is an
 ellegent bottom Plain which extends Several miles in length on the
 river in this low Prarie the Missouries lived after They were reduced
 by the Saukees at Their Town Some Dists. below. The little osage
 finding themselves much oppressed by the Saukees & other nations, left
 this place & built a village 5 ms. from the Grand Osarge Town about
 ____ years ago. a few of the Missoures accompanied them, the remainder
 of that nation went to the Otteaus on the River Platt. The River at
 this place is about 1 ms. wide our hunters did not Come in this evening
 the river beginning to fall
 [Clark, June 16, 1804]
 16th June Satterday Set out at 7 oClock Proceed on N. 68°W. 21/2 ms.
 passed a Isd. close on the S. S. at the lower point Drewer & Willard
 had camped & had with them 2 bear & 2 Deer we took in the meat &
 proceeded on. Some rain this morning West 2 Ms. pass an Isd on S. S. &
 prarie, to a Belge of Snag Isd. L. S. a butifull extensive Prarie on S.
 S. Hills to about 9 ms. distant. Mr. Mackey has Laid down the rems. of
 an old fort in this Prarie, which I cannot find S 85 W. 1 me. along the
 Isd. L. S.--S 61° W alg L. S. 1 me. S 30° W, 3, ms. to pt. S. S. opsd. an
 Isd. & head of the last S 40° W 1 me. S. S. Passed a verry bad place
 where the Sand was moving constantly, I walked on Shore obsd. fine high
 Bottom land on S. S. Camped late this evening.
 [Clark, June 16, 1804]
 16th, June Satturday 1804
 Set out at 7 oClock at about a mile 1/2 we Came to the Camp of our
 hunters, they had two Bear & two Deer proceeded on pass a Island on the
 S. S. a heavy rain came on & lasted a Short time, we came to on the S.
 S. in a Prarie at the place where Mr. Mackey lay down a old french
 fort, I could See no traces of a Settlement of any Kind, in this plain
 I discovered a Kind of Grass resembling Timothey which appeared well
 calculated for Hay, this Plain is verry extensive in the evening I
 walked on the S. S. to see if any timber was Convt. to make Oars, which
 we were much in want of, I found Som indifferent timber and Struck the
 river above the Boat at a bad Sand bar the worst I had Seen which the
 boat must pass or Drop back Several Miles & Stem a Swift Current on the
 opsd Side of an Isd. the Boat however assended the middle of the Streem
 which was diffucult Dangerious We Came to above this place at Dark and
 Camped in a bad place, the misquitoes and Ticks are noumerous & bad.
 [Clark, June 17, 1804]
 June 17 1804 Rope walk Camp
 The Current of the River at this place is a Stick will float 48 poles 6
 feet in the rapidest part in 23 Seconds, further out is 34, Still
 further 65--74--78 & 82 are the Trials we have made.
 [Clark, June 17, 1804]
 June 17 Sunday 1804 Cloudy Wind, S. E. Set out early S. 65° W 1 Me. Came
 too to Make ores, and a Cord for a Toe Rope all this day imployed in
 getting out Ores, & makeing for the use of the Boat out of a large
 Cable rope which we have, G Drewyer Came up a Bear & 2 Deer, also a
 fine horse which he found in the woods, Supposed to have been left by
 Some war party from the osages, The Ticks are numerous and large and
 have been trousom all the way and the Musquetors are beginning to be
 verry troublesome, my Cold Continues verry bad the French higherlins
 Complain for the want of Provisions, Saying they are accustomed to eat
 5 & 6 times a day, they are roughly rebuked for their presumption, the
 Country about abounds in Bear Deer & Elk and the S. S. the lands are
 well timbered and rich for 2 ms. to a butifull Prarie which risies into
 hills At 8 or 9 ms. back--on the L. S a Prarie coms. on the bank which
 is high and contines back rich & well watered as far
 [Clark, June 17, 1804]
 June 17th Sunday 1804 (S. 65°W. me. S. Side-)
 Cloudy morning wind from the S. E. we Set out early and proceeded on
 one mile & came too to make oars, & repair our Cable & toe rope &c. &c.
 which was necessary for the Boat & Perogues, Sent out Sjt. Pryor and
 Some men to get ash timber for ores, and Set Some men to make a Toe
 Rope out of the Cords of a Cable which had been provided by Capt Lewis
 at Pitts burg for the Cable of the boat--George Drewyer our hunter and
 one man came in with 2 Deer & a Bear, also a young Horse, they had
 found in the Prarie, this horse has been in the Prarie a long time and
 is fat, I suppose he has been left by Some war party against the Osage,
 This is a Crossing place for the war partis against that nation from
 the Saukees, Aiaouez, & Souix. The party is much aflicted with Boils
 and Several have the Decissentary, which I contribute to the water
 The Countrey about this place is butifull on the river rich & well
 timbered on the S. S. about two miles back a Prarie coms. which is rich
 and interspursud with groves of timber, the County rises at 7 or 8
 miles Still further back and is roleing--on the L. S. the high lands &
 Prarie Corns. in the bank of the river and Continus back, well watered
 and abounds in Der Elk & Bear The Ticks & Musquetors are verry
 [Clark, June 18, 1804]
 June 18th Monday Some raind last night, Sent out 6 Hunters to day
 across the R. they Killed 5 Deer & Colter a Bear verry fat we continue
 to repare our ropes & make oars all day, heavy rain all the fore pt. of
 the day, the party Drying meat & greesing themselves, Several men with
 the Disentary, and two thirds of them with ulsers or Boils, Some with 8
 or 10 of those Turners Mesquetors verry bad we finish our Cords & oars
 this evening Men in Spirits
 [Clark, June 18, 1804]
 June 18th Monday
 Some rain last night, and Some hard Showers this morning which delay
 our work verry much, Send out Six hunters in the Prarie on the L S.
 they kill 5 Deer & Coltr a Bear, which verry large & fat, the party to
 wok at the oars, make rope, & jurk their meat all Day Dry our wet Sales
 &c. in the evening, The misquiter verry bad
 [Clark, June 19, 1804]
 June 19th Tuesday
 rain last night after fixing the new Oars and makeing all necessary
 arrangements, we Set out under a jentle breese from the S. E. and
 proceeded on passed two large Islands on the S. S. leaving J. Shields
 and one man to go by land with the horses Some verry hard water, passed
 Several Islands & Sand bars to day at the head of one we were obliged
 to cleare away Driftwood to pass, passed a Creek on the L. Side Called
 Tabboe 15 yds. wide passed a large Creek at the head of an Island
 Called Tiger River on the S. S. The Island below this Isd. is large and
 Called the Isle Of Panters, formed on the S. S. by a narrow Channel, I
 observed on the Shore Goose & Rasp berries in abundance in passing Some
 hard water round a Point of rocks on the L. S. we were obliged to take
 out the roape & Draw up the Boat for 1/2 a mile, we Came too on the L.
 S. near a Lake of the Sircumfrance of Several miles Situated on the L.
 S. about two miles from the river this Lake is Said to abound in all
 kinds of fowls, great quanties of Deer frequent this Lake dureing
 Summer Season, and feed on the hows &c. &c. they find on the edgers the
 Lands on the North Side of the river is rich and Sufficiently high to
 afford Settlements, the Lds. on the South Side assends Gradually from
 the river not So rich, but of a good quallity and appear well watered
 [Clark, June 20, 1804]
 June 20th, Wednesday
 Set out after a heavy Shower of rain and proceeded on the Same Course
 of last night passed a large butifull Prarie on the S. S. opposit a
 large Island, Calld Saukee Prarie, a gentle breese from the S. W. Some
 butiful high lands on the L. S. passed Som verry Swift water to day, I
 saw Pelicans to day on a Sand bar, my servant York nearly loseing an
 eye by a man throwing Sand into it, we came too at the lower Point of a
 Small Island, the party on Shore we have not Seen Since we passed Tiger
 R--The Land appeard verry good on each Side of the River to day and
 well timbered, we took Some Loner observations, which detained us
 untill 1 oClock a butifull night but the air exceedingly Damp, & the
 mosquiters verry troublesom
 [Clark, June 21, 1804]
 21st June Thursday 1804 river raised 3 Inches last night after our bow
 man Peter Crousat a half Mahar Indian examined round this Small Isd.
 for the best water, we Set out determined to assd. on the North Side,
 and Sometimes rowing Poleing & Drawing up with a Strong Rope we
 assended without wheeling or receving any damige more than breakeing
 one of my S. Windows, and looseing Some oars which were Swong under the
 Two men Sent out to hunt this afternoon Came in with a Deer, at Sun Set
 The ellement had every appearance of wind, The hunters inform me that
 the high Countrey on the S. S. is of a good quallity, and well timbd.
 The High lands on the L. Side is equally good The bottom land on this
 river is alike, 1st low and covd. with Cotton wood & willows Subject to
 over flow the 2nd is higher groth Cotton Walnut ash Mulberry Linn &
 [Clark, June 21, 1804]
 21st June Thursday
 The river rose 3 Inches last night after the Bows man Peter Crousat
 viewed The water on each Side of the Island which presented a most
 unfavourable prospect of Swift water over roleing Sands which rored
 like an immence falls, we Concluded to assend on the right Side, and
 with much dificuilty, with the assistance of a long Cord or Tow rope, &
 the anchor we got the Boat up with out any furthr dang. than Bracking a
 Cabbin window & loseing Some oars which were Swong under the windows,
 passed four Isds to day two large & two Small, behind the first large
 Island two Creeks mouth Called (1) Eue-bert Creek & River & Isd. the
 upper of those Creeks head against the Mine River & is large, passed a
 verry remarkable bend in the River to the S. forming an accute angle,
 the high lands come to the river on the S. S. opposit the upper large
 Island, this Isd. is formed by a narrow chanel thro. the Pt. of the
 remarkable bend just mentiond below this Isd. on the L. S. is a
 Couenter Current of about a mile--passed between Several Small Islands
 Situated near the L. Side and camped above on the Same Side, Two men
 Sent out to hunt this evening brought in a Buck & a pore Turkey.
 at Sun Set the atmespier presented every appearance of wind, Blue &
 white Streeks Centering at the Sun as She disappeared and the Clouds
 Situated to the S. W, Guilded in the most butifull manner. The Countrey
 and Lands on each Side of the river is various as usial and may be
 classed as follows. viz: the low or over flown points or bottom land,
 of the groth of Cotton & Willow, the 2nd or high bottom of rich furtile
 Soils of the groth of Cotton, Walnut, Som ash, Hack berry, Mulberry,
 Lynn & Sycamore. the third or high Lands risees gradually from the 2nd
 bottom (cauht whin it Coms to the river then from the river) about 80
 or 100 foot roleing back Supplied with water the Small runs of (which
 losees themselves in the bottom land) and are covered with a variety of
 timber Such as Oake of different Kinds Blue ash, walnut &c. &c. as far
 as the Praries, which I am informed lie back from the river at some
 places near & others a great Distance
 [Clark, June 22, 1804]
 22nd June Friday after a Violent gust of wind accompanied with rain
 from the West, which commenced at Day brake, and lasted about one hour,
 we Set out under a gentle Breeze from the N W. and proceeded on S. 14°W.
 21/2 ms. to pt. on L. S. Ord Killed a goose, S 25 W 3 Ms. to a pt. on
 S. S. psd. Snags and Swift water on the S. S.--S. 66° W. 1/2 a me. on S
 pt. N 60 W 41/2 me. to pt. L. S. passed a large Isd. on the S. S.-
 (Ferenthiers Thermometr at 3 oClock P.M. 87 d which is 11 d above Summr
 heat) and one on the L. S. opposit against which there is a handsom
 Prarie of high Bottom & up Land, Capt Lewis went out in this Prarie &
 walked Several miles, Come to opposit the mouth of a large Creek on the
 S. S. Called River of the Fire Prarie at the mouth of this creek the
 party on Shore Shields & Collins was camped waiting for our arrival &
 inform that they Pass'd thro Some fine Lands, and well watered G D.
 Killed a fine Bear to day
 [Clark, June 22, 1804]
 22nd June Friday river rose 4 Inchs last night. I was waken'd before
 day light this morning by the guard prepareing the boat to receve an
 apparent Storm which threttened violence from the West at day light a
 violent wind accompanied with rain cam from the W. and lasted about one
 hour, it Cleared away, and we Set out and proceeded on under a gentle
 breeze from the N. W. passed Some verry Swift water Crouded with Snags,
 pass two large Island opposit each other, and immediately opposit a
 large & extensive Prarie on the Labd Side, This Prarie is butifull a
 high bottom for 11/2 a mile back and risees to the Common leavel of the
 Countrey about 70 or 80 feet and extends back out of view. Capt. L
 walked on Shore a few miles this after noon (at 3 oClock P M. Ferents
 Thermometer Stood at 87°: = to 11 d above Summer heat) we came to on the
 L. Side opposit the mouth of a large Creek Called the River of the Fire
 Prarie, at the mouth of this Creek the Party on Shore were waiting our
 arrival, they informed that the Lands thro which they passed was fine &
 well watered
 [Clark, June 23, 1804]
 23rd June Satturday Some wind this morning from the N W. Set out at 7
 oC Proceeded on N. 70 d. W 2 Ms. to an Isd. Close on the S. S. I went
 on Shore & walked up thro a rich bottom for about Six miles, Killed a
 Deer & much fatigued N. 75 E. to a point in a bend L. S. 11/2 the river
 fell 8 Inches last night.
 [Clark, June 23, 1804]
 23rd June Satturday Some wind this morning from the N. W. we Set out at
 7 oClock, and proceeded on to the head of a Island on the S. S. the
 wind blew hard and down the river which prevented the Pty moveing from
 this Island the whole day, Cap. Lewis had the arms examined &c. at the
 lower end of this Island I got out of the boat to walk on Shore, &
 expected the party on Shore would overtake me at the head of the
 Island, they did not & I proceeded on round a round and extensive bend
 in the river, I Killed a Deer & made a fire expecting the boat would
 Come up in the evening. the wind continueing to blow prevented their
 moveing, as the distance by land was too great for me to return by
 night I concluded to Camp, Peeled Some bark to lay on, and geathered
 wood to make fires to Keep off the musquitor & Knats. Heard the party
 on Shore fire, at Dark Drewyer came to me with the horses, one fat bear
 & a Deer, river fell 8 Inches last night
 [Lewis and Clark, June 24, 1804]
 Sunday June 24th set out at 1/2 after six continuing the course on the
 Lard. side N. 80 E 1/4 of a mile to point Lard. N. 551/4 of a mile to
 point Lard. Due west to a point Stard 3 miles good water
 (I joined the Boat theis morning with a fat Bear & two Deer, last
 evining I Struck the river about 6 miles (by land) abov the Boat, and
 finding it too late to get to the Boat, and the wind blowing So hard
 Down the river that She could not assend, I concluded to Camp, altho I
 had nothing but my hunting Dress, & the Musquitors Ticks & Knats verry
 troublesom, I concid to hunt on a Willow Isd. Situated close under the
 Shore, in Crossing from an Island, I got mired, and was obliged to
 Craul oat, a disegreeable Situation & a Diverting one of any one who
 Could have Seen me after I got out, all Covered with mud, I went my
 Camp & Craped off the Mud and washed my Clothes, and fired off my gun
 which was answered by George Drewyer who was in persute of me & came up
 at Dark we feasted of meet & water the latter we made great use of
 being much fatigued & thirsty--The meet which hung up near the water a
 large Snake made Several attempts to get to it and was so Detirmined
 that I Killed him in his attempt, the Snake appeared to make to that
 part of the meet which Contained the milk of a Doe, On this part of the
 River I observe great quantites of Bear Sign, they are after Mulbiries
 which are in great quantities)
 N 85 d W. 41/2 ms. to a pt. on L Side, Came to above the mouth of a
 Creek on the L. S. abt. 20 yds. Wide Called Hay Cabbin Creek Latd. of
 this place is 38° 37'5" North--Capt. Lewis took Sergt. Floyd and walked
 on Shore, George Drewyer Killed 2 Deer R Fields Killed a Deer dureing
 the time we wer Jurking the meet I brought in, West 1/2 ml. along the
 L. S.
 S 21° W. 3 ms. to a pt. on the S. S. pass 2 Creek on the S. S. just above
 Some rocks Some distance from Shore 1 of These Creek is Called
 Sharriton-Cartie, a Prarie on the L. S. near the river. Capt Lewis
 Killed a Deer, & Collins 3. emince number of Deer on both Sides of the
 river, we pass between two Sand bars at head of which we had to raise
 the boat 8 Inch to get her over, Camped at the Lower point of a Isd. on
 the L S. the Party in high Spirits.
 [Clark, June 24, 1804]
 24th, June Sunday Set out at half after Six. I joined the boat this
 morng at 8 oClock (I will only remark that dureing the time I lay on
 the band waiting for the boat, a large Snake Swam to the bank
 imediately under the Deer which was hanging over the water, and no
 great distance from it, I threw chunks and drove this Snake off Several
 times. I found that he was So determined on getting to the meet I was
 Compelld to Kill him, the part of the Deer which attracted this Snake I
 think was the milk from the bag of the Doe.) I observed great quts. of
 Bear Signs, where they had passed in all Directions thro the bottoms in
 Serch of Mulberries, which were in great numbers in all the bottoms
 thro which our party passed.)
 Passed the mouth of a Creek 20 yds. wide name Hay Cabbin Creek from
 camps of Straw built on it came to about 1/2 me. above this Creek &
 jurked, the meet killed yesterday and this morning Lattitude of this
 place 38° 37' 5" N. Capt. Lewis walked on Shore & Killed a Deer, pass a
 bad part of the river, on the S. S. the rocks projected into the river
 Some distance, a Creek above Called Sharston Carta, in the evening we
 Passed thro betwen two Sand bars at the head we had to raise the Boat 8
 Inches together over, Camped near the lower point of an Island on the
 L. Side, party in high Spirrits. The Countrey on each Side of the river
 is fine interspersed with Praries, in which imence herds of Deer is
 Seen, on the banks of the river we observe numbers of Deer watering and
 feeding on the young willow, Several Killed to day
 [Clark, June 25, 1804]
 Monday June 25th a heavy fog Detaind us about an hour Set out passed
 the Isd on a course from the last point S 49° W, 3 Ms to a point on the
 S. S. S 55° W 1/2 Me. S. S. a Coal-Bank on the opposit or L. S Side, this
 bank appears to Contain great quantity of excellente CoaL the wind from
 the N. W a Small Creek Called Coal or (Chabonea)3 N 50° W to the Pt, L.
 S. 31/2 Miles Hard water & logs, Bank falling in, Passed a Small Creek
 L. S. Called Labeenie a Prarie is Situated on the S. S. a Short
 Distance from the river, which contains great quantities of wild apples
 of the Size of the Common apple, the French Say is well flavered when
 ripe, which is the time the leaves begin to fall N 70°W 1/2 me. along the
 right Side of a Willow Isd. Situated on the L. Side S. 80° W 1/2 me. L.
 S. S 55° W. 1/2 me. to Pt. of Smal Isd. L. S. S 15° W 1/2 me. L. S.--S. 2° E
 2 me. pt on Lbd S. (here I will only remark that the Deer in the
 Morning & evening are feeding in great numbers on the banks of the
 River, they feed on young willow, and amuse themselves running on the
 open beeches or points) We have hard water this afternoon round the
 heads of Small Islds. on the L. Side below a Small High Prarie S. 48° W.
 2 Ms. pt. S. S. passd. a small Isd. on which we Camped The party on
 Shore did not join us to day, or have we Seen or her of them river
 falling fast about 8 Inches in 24 hours, the Hills on the L. S. this
 evening higher than usial about 160 or 180 feet. the lands appear of a
 Simalier to those passed
 [Clark, June 25, 1804]
 25th, June Monday a thick fog detained us untile 8 oClock, passed a
 Island, at 3 miles passed a Coal-mine, or Bank of Stone Coal, on the
 South Side, this bank appears to Contain great quantity of fine Coal,
 the river being high prevented our Seeeing that contained in the Cliffs
 of the best quallity, a Small Creek mouth's below This bank Call'd
 after the bank Chabonea Creek the Wind from the N. W. passed a Small
 Creek on the L. Side at 12 oClock, Called Bennet's Creek The Praries
 Come within a Short distance of the river on each Side which Contains
 in addition to Plumbs Raspberries & vast quantities of wild apples,
 great numbs. of Deer are seen feeding on the young willows & earbage in
 the Banks and on the Sand bars in the river. our party on Shores did
 not join us this evening we Camped on an Island Situated on the S.
 Side, opposit some hills higher than Common, Say 160 or 180 feet above
 the Bottom. The river is Still falling last night it fell 8 Inches
 [Clark, June 26, 1804]
 June 26th Tuesday 1804 we Set out early, the river falling a little,
 the wind from the S. W. Passed the mouth of a Small river on the L.
 Side above the upper point of a Small Island, Called Blue water river,
 this river heads in Praries back with the Mine River about 30 yds. wide
 Lattitude of a pt. 4 ms. above this river is 38° 32' 15" North, the high
 lands which is on the Northe Side does not exceed 80 feet high, at this
 Place the river appears to be Confd. in a verry narrow Channel, and the
 Current Still more So by Couenter Current or Whirl on one Side & high
 bank on the other, passed a Small Isd. in the bend to the L. Side we
 Killed a large rattle Snake, Sunning himself in the bank passed a bad
 Sand bar, where our tow rope broke twice, & with great exertions we
 rowed round it and Came to & Camped in the Point above the Kansas River
 lobserved a great number of Parrot queets this evening, our Party
 Killed Several 7 Deer to day
 [Clark, June 27, 1804]
 June 27th, Wednesday a fair warm morning, the river rose a little last
 night. we determin to delay at this Place three or four Days to make
 observations & recruit the party Several men out Hunting, unloaded one
 Perogue, and turned her up to Dry with a view of repairing her after
 Completeing a Strong redoubt or brest work frome one river to the
 other, of logs & Bushes Six feet high, The Countrey about the mouth of
 this river is verry fine on each Side as well as the North of the
 Missouries the bottom, in the Point is low, & overflown for 250 yards.
 it rises a little above high water mark and Continus up that hight of
 good quallity back to the hills ____ A high Clift, on the upper Side of
 the Kansis 1/2 a mile up below the Kanses the hills is about 11/2 miles
 from the point on the North Side of the Missouries the Hill or high
 lands is Several miles back, we compareed the instrmts Took equal
 altitudes, and the Meridian altituade of the Suns L L to day Lattitude
 38° 31' 13" Longitude ____ Measured The width of the Kansas River by an
 angle and made it 230 yds 1/4 wide, it is wider above the mouth the
 Missouries at this place is about 500 yards wide, The Course from the
 Point down the midle. of the Missourie is S. 32° E, & turns to the North.
 up is N 21°W. up the right side of the Kansas is S. 54° E, & the river
 turns to the left, Several Deer Killed to day.
 [Clark, June 28, 1804]
 28 June Thursday took equal altitudes &c. &c. &c. & varaitian of the
 Compass repaired the Perogue Cleaned out the Boat Suned our Powder
 wollen articles examined every thing 8 or 10 huntrs. out to day in
 different direction, in examineing our private Store of Provisions we
 found Several articles Spoiled from the wet or dampness they had
 received, a verry warm Day, the wind from the South, The river
 Missourie has raised yesterday last night & to day about 2 foot. this
 evening it is on a Stand, Capt. Lewis weighed the water of the Two
 rivers The Missouris 78° The Kansais 72° To Describe the most probable of
 the various accounts of this great river of the Kansas, would be too
 lengthy & uncertain to insert here, it heads with the river Del Norid
 in the black Mountain or ridge which Divides the waters of the Kansas
 Del Nord, & Callarado & oppsoitly from those of the Missoureis (and not
 well assertaind) This River recves its name from a nation which dwells
 at this time on its banks & 2 villages one about 20 Leagues & the other
 40 Leagues up, those Indians are not verry noumerous at this time,
 reduced by war with their neighbours, &c. they formerly liveid on the
 South banks of the Missouries 24 Leagues above this river in a open &
 butifull plain and were verry noumerous at the time the french first
 Settled the Illinois, I am told they are a fierce & warlike people,
 being badly Supplied with fire arms, become easily conquered by the
 Aiauway & Saukees who are better furnished with those materials of war,
 This nation is now out in the plains hunting the Buffalow our hunters
 Killed Several Deer and Saw Buffalow, men impd Dressing Skins & makeing
 themselves Comfortable, the high lands Coms to the river Kanses on the
 upper Side at about a mile, full in view, and a butifull place for a
 fort, good landing place, the waters of the Kansas is verry
 disigreeably tasted to me.
 [Clark, June 29, 1804]
 29th of June 1804, Set out from the Kansas river 1/2 past 4 oClock,
 proceeded on passed a Small run on the L. S. at 1/2 Mile a (1) Island
 on the S. S. at 11/2 me. Hills above the upr. pt of Isd. L. S. a large
 Sand bar in the middle. Passed a verry bad place of water, the Sturn of
 the Boat Struck a moveing Sand & turned within 6 Inches of a large
 Sawyer, if the Boat had Struck the Sawyer, her Bow must have been
 Knocked off & in Course She must hav Sunk in the Deep water below Came
 to & camped on the S. S. late in the eveninge.
 [Clark, June 29, 1804]
 29th June Friday obsvd. the distance of (D & )),took Equal & maridinal
 altd. and after makeing Some arrangements, and inflicting a little
 punishment to two men we Set out at 1/2 past 4 oClock and proceeded on
 (i ) passed a large Island on the S. Side, opposit a large Sand bar,
 the Boat turned and was within Six Inches of Strikeing the rapidity
 with which the Boat turned was so great that if her bow had Struck the
 Snag, She must have either turned over or the bow nocked off S W wind
 [Clark, June 29, 1804]
 Camp mouth of the Kanseis June 29th 1804. Ordered
 a Court martial will Set this day at 11 oClock, to Consist of five
 members, for the trial of John Collins and Hugh Hall, Confined on
 Charges exhibited against them by Sergeant Floyd, agreeable to the
 articles of War.
 Detail for the Court
 Sergt Nat. Pryor presd.
 2 John Colter
 3 John Newmon
 4 Pat. Gass
 1 J. B. Thompson
 John Potts to act as judge advocate.
 The Court Convened agreeable to order and proceeded to the trial of the
 Prisoners Viz John Collins Charged "with getting drunk on his post this
 morning out of whiskey put under his Charge as a Sentinal and for
 Suffering Hugh Hall to draw whiskey out of the Said Barrel intended for
 the party"
 To this Charge the prisoner plead not guilty.
 The Court after mature deliveration on the evidence abduced &c. are of
 oppinion that the prisoner is Guilty of the Charge exibited against
 him, and do therefore Sentence him to recive one hundred Lashes on his
 bear Back.
 Hugh Hall was brought with "takeing whiskey out of a Keg this morning
 which whiskey was Stored on the Bank (and under the Charge of the
 guard) Contrary to all order, rule, or regulation"
 To this Charge the prisoner "Pleades Guilty."
 The Court find the prisoner guilty and Sentence him to receive fifty
 Lashes on his bear Back.
 The Commanding Officers approve of the Sentence of the Court and orders
 that the Punishment take place at half past three this evening, at
 which time the party will Parrade for inspection-
 [Clark, June 29, 1804]
 at the Mouth of the River Kansies
 June 26" 27" 28 & 29th-
 This river is 366 miles above the mouth of Missouri it is in Lattitude
 38° 31' 13" North
 it is 230 yds. wide at its mouth & wider above from the point up the
 Missourie for about 3 ms. N. 21° W, Down the Middle of the Missourie is
 S. 32° E, up the upper bank of the Kansais, is S. 54° E the river turns to
 the East above a pt. of high land, well Situated for a fort & in view
 of the Missouris one mile up & on the upper Side, the width of the
 Missouris at this place is about 500 yds.
 Missourie Water weighs 78. The Kanseis weghs 72 river Miss raised in
 the time at the Kanseis 2 foot and begun to fall.
 The wood land on each side of the Mouth of this river is extensive and
 of a good quallity as far as our hunters was back, but badly watered
 with Springs, only two being Seen by them
 Some punishment of two men Hall & Collins for takeing whiskey out of
 the Barrel last night agreeable to the Sentences of a Court Mtl of the
 party who we have always found verry ready to punish Such Crimes
 Many Deer Killed to day
 Allarm post or order of Battle arms to be Situated & the Duty &c.
 Messes of men under a Serjiant who is to detail for every day one man
 of his Squad to Cook &c. who Shall have the management of the
 provisions dureing that day or issue, each Days rations must be divided
 &c. &c Order of encampment, Tents, fires & Duty
 [Clark, June 30, 1804]
 30th June, Set out verry early this Morng Saw a verry large wolf on the
 Sand bar this morning walking near a gange of Turkeys (1) at 10 miles
 above the Kansis passed the mouth of a Small River Call the (Petite
 Plate) or the little Shole river, this river is about 70 yds. Wide and
 has Several rapids & falls, well Calculatd for mills, the land on this
 river is Said to be Roaling, Killed 2 Deer Bucks Swinging the river the
 wind from the S. W. here we opened the Bag of Bread given us by which
 we found verry good, our Bacon which was given us by we examined and
 found Sound and good Some of that purchased in the Illinois Spoiled, a
 relish of this old bacon this morning was verry agreeable, Deer to be
 Seen in every direction and their tracks ar as plenty as Hogs about a
 farm, our hunts. Killed 9 Deer to day the land below the last river is
 good, that above, between the two rivers which is near together is
 Slaik'y and bad on the N. Side, the other Side is good land, Landed on
 the L. S. below an Isd called Dimond Island
 [Clark, June 30, 1804]
 30th June Satturday 1804
 Set out verry early this morning, a verry large wolf Came to the bank
 and looked at us this morning, passd the (1) mouth of a Small river 10
 ms. above the Kanseis Called by the french Petite River Platte (or
 Shoal river) from the number of falls in it, this river is about 60
 yards wide at its mouth and runs Parrilel with the Missouries for ten
 or twelve miles, I am told that the lands on this Small river is good,
 and on its Several falls well Calculated for mills, the wind from S. W.
 came to at 12 oClock & rested three hours, the... being hot the men
 becom verry feeble, Farnsts. Thermometer at 3 oClock Stood at 96° above
 0, emence numbs. of Deer on the banks, Skipping in every derection, the
 party Killed nine Bucks on the river & Bank to day, The Countrey on the
 S. S. between the Shoal River & Missouris is indifferent Subject to
 overflow, that below and on the L. S. is high & appers well timbered,
 Camped on the L. S. opsd. the Lower point of a Isd. Called diamond
 Island, Broke our mast