By Designed and published by the Kansas Department of Transportation. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Riley County, one of the counties organized by the first territoriai legislature in 1855, is the second county east of the 6th principal meridian, the second south from Nebraska, and the fifth west from the Missouri river. It is bounded on the north by Washington and Marshall counties; on the east by Jackson and Shawnee; on the south by Wabaunsee and Geary, and on the west by Geary and Clay. As originally organized its eastern and western boundary lines were almost identical with those of Marshall county extended south, and the southern boundary was the Kansas river. Between the years 1857 and 1873 several changes were made in the county lines. The eastern line was moved west to the Big Blue river; the western 8 miles west to the present location; Geary county was enlarged from Riley county territory, and additions were made to the latter from Wabaunsee and Geary, forming one of the most irregularly shaped counties in the state.


County Seat: Manhattan, Kansas

Date organized:1855

County History:

  1. Blackmar's Kansas Cyclopedia, Riley County 
  2. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, Riley County
  3. Riley County on Wikipedia 

Historic Landmarks, State, National:

  1. National and State Register of Historic Places 
  2. Fort Riley  | Facebook | Visiting the Fort Information
  3. KSU  | Facebook 
  4. Goodnow House State historic Site
  5. First Territorial Capital State Historic Site
  6. Beecher Bible and Rifle Church
  7. Konza Priarie

County Historical Society:

  1. Riley county Historical Museum | Facebook 
  2. Riley County Historical Society  | Facebook 
  3. Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art at KSU 
  4. Riley County Genealogical Society

Websites about the county:

  1. Riley County Government  | Facebook
  2. City of Manhattan, Kansas 
  3. City of Leonardville, Kansas 
  4. City of Ogden, Kansas 
  5. City of Riley, Kansas on Facebook