By Designed and published by the Kansas Department of Transportation. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Washington County is fifth in the first tier of counties stretching west from the Missouri River. To the north lay Jefferson and Gage counties, Nebraska; east, Marshall County; south, Riley and Clay counties; west, Republic and Cloud. Washington County is embraced within that fertile territory which lies between the Blue and Republican rivers as they flow southeast into the Kansas River. The Little Blue River pays most particular attention to Washington County, draining, with its branches, all except its southwestern portions. 


County Seat:Washington, Kansas

Date organized:1860

County History:

  1. Washington County on Wikipedia 
  2. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, Washington County 

Historic Landmarks, State, National:

  1. National and State Register of Historic Places 
  2. Washington State Fishing Lake 
  3. Hollenberg Pony Express Station and Visitors Center in Hanover, Kansas  | Facebook 
  4. World's First Bulldozer - Morrowville, Kansas 
  5. Historic Jail in Haddam, Kansas 
  6. LCL Buffalo Ranch - near Clifton, Kansas   | Facebook 
  7. National Aspects of the Old Oregon Trail

County Historical Society:

  1. Washington County Historical Society  | Facebook
  2. Barnes State Bank Museum 
  3. Washington County Museum

Websites about the county:

  1. Washington County Government 
  2. City of Washington, Kansas 
  3. City of Barnes, Kansas 
  4. City of Haddam, Kansas 
  5. Washington County Kansas History and Heritage Project